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Feel free to take a look around, send us a message, or give us a call!
I have a favorite line from Diamond Rio’s song: “We all fall down. It’s the getting back up that really counts. We live and we learn, to help someone up when it’s their turn.” After 15 years as a therapist and 13 years as a pastor, I know how important this truth is. I would be honored to walk along side you in your journey. Check out m
I have a favorite line from Diamond Rio’s song: “We all fall down. It’s the getting back up that really counts. We live and we learn, to help someone up when it’s their turn.” After 15 years as a therapist and 13 years as a pastor, I know how important this truth is. I would be honored to walk along side you in your journey. Check out my page to get started!
Email me: doug@dallascounselinggroup.com
When is a good time for counseling? When you find that you have come to the end of your own coping, ideas, and resources. That is a great time to seek support! I would welcome the opportunity to help you grow in your struggles and find new ways to move forward.
Check out my page to get started!
Email me: michal@dallascounselinggroup.com
What life were you trying to build before “life” got in the way? Before you felt overwhelmed or got distracted? Maybe you have yet to discover this!
I am passionate about helping my clients let go of that which does not serve them. This can include painful feelings and memories, internal conflict, and relationship problems. Together, we
What life were you trying to build before “life” got in the way? Before you felt overwhelmed or got distracted? Maybe you have yet to discover this!
I am passionate about helping my clients let go of that which does not serve them. This can include painful feelings and memories, internal conflict, and relationship problems. Together, we can explore ways of achieving greater clarity and balance. Check out my page to get started!
Email me: brittany@dallascounselinggroup.com
Some days are just tough. There are days when you wake up wondering, “How did I get here?” Some days your family can be too much. Some days your job can be too much. Some days your thoughts can be too much. I get it. And, you’re not alone. Together we can create change. Real change. Change that makes you want to step into each day with ex
Some days are just tough. There are days when you wake up wondering, “How did I get here?” Some days your family can be too much. Some days your job can be too much. Some days your thoughts can be too much. I get it. And, you’re not alone. Together we can create change. Real change. Change that makes you want to step into each day with excitement and confidence.
Check out my page to get started!
Email me:
“Do I really need therapy?” is a common question people ask themselves. Things don’t have to be terrible before finding help. You deserve time to work on yourself. Give yourself a chance to get an outside perspective and find solutions to see how much better you feel.
Check out my page to get started!
Email me: callie@dallascounselinggroup.com
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a guidebook to life - a book that informed you how to choose the best life and had recipes for elixirs that would counter anxiety, depression, and would fix a marriage? Sadly, to my knowledge, that book doesn’t exist. However, there are a few helpful insights that I wish I had learned a long time ago.
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a guidebook to life - a book that informed you how to choose the best life and had recipes for elixirs that would counter anxiety, depression, and would fix a marriage? Sadly, to my knowledge, that book doesn’t exist. However, there are a few helpful insights that I wish I had learned a long time ago. First, human beings form an image of themselves - a less than true self - that they think will offer protection from the pain in the world. Second, human beings are really bad at choosing things that lead to joy. Third, anxiety and fear can shape thoughts for human beings who then turn those thoughts into reality - often making a situation much worse than it actually is. These three challenges can make living in this world taxing and arduous, but understanding these realities and moving in new directions can offer freedom and peace. Who might you be if you didn’t have to put forth a fake self, if you were good at finding joy, and if you weren’t controlled by fear and anxiety? Is it worth finding out?
Check out my page to get started!
Email me: ryan@dallascounselinggroup.com
Welcome to Dallas Counseling Group. We are a team of independent counseling professionals dedicated to providing a full range of services to our clients. Whether you are seeking counseling for yourself, your relationship, your family, or your children, we have counselors ready to work with you to meet your goals.
We hope you will explore this website to get to know our therapists and learn about their specialties. We would welcome the opportunity to work with you!
You will find our office on the 5th floor of the SMU Expressway Tower, located on the I-75 northbound service road, just north of Mockingbird Ln.
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